Thursday, August 15, 2013

More Classes and Events!

By my estimation, I've made at least 1,000 pretzels this summer. At one event in particular--Counter Culture at Anne Amie Vineyards--attendees ate a whopping 400! You can see the spread in the pic above. Epic.

The pretzel fun continues throughout August and into the fall. I'll be going home to Nebraska to teach two classes, one at Art & Soul in Lincoln, and one at the Whole Foods in Omaha. I'm hoping to see lots of family and friends at those events...and to eat lots of sweet corn, tomatoes, and beef while I'm there, too.

I'm also super excited to be participating again this year in Feast Portland, the mega food event sponsored by Bon Appétit magazine that brings in buzzed-about chefs from all over the country.

Check out my Classes and Events page for a full list of happenings and how to sign up!